ICP Dashboard

Proposal to upgrade the SNS to the next version


Proposal to upgrade the SNS to the next version

Hello SNS-1 community! This proposal is from a DFINITY SNS Engineer. We suggest the second proposal of type UpgradeSnsToNextVersion. If this proposal is adopted by the DAO, the SNS-1 governance canister will autonomously upgrade itself to the WASM Hash f6d49d83bcc194d6b6635d0262956c388f672e81eafb011cd0e45415a715f171. This WASM version of the governance canister was previously vetted by the NNS community in proposal 104981 (https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/proposal/104981).


  • Allow gzipped wasm modules for upgrades
  • Various small bug fixes
  • Governance canister checks upgrade target canisters version only

How SNS Upgrades Work

An SNS is made up of 6 canisters whose WASMs are stored in an NNS canister called the SNS wasm modules canister, SNS-W for short. When updates are added to any one of these canisters source code, the NNS DAO must inspect the change and approve an NNS proposal to publish the new version to SNS-W. Then, each individual SNS DAO must decide when and if it will upgrade to that new version via an SNS proposal. If approved, the SNS governance system will autonomously upgrade to the next version available in SNS-W.


Proposal to upgrade SNS to next version:

SNS Current Version:

Version { root: fe1967146841a247b2f793ae61e5ef3c6b45ecfbe162ecaa8af246bf5e07333f, governance: 89b1c96540f980ff70cb4b0ca3a0de58f6c1862f97ca0c407f155f8228f0e055, ledger: 8fbb21200280d641332dac46db323ceae198c9ca6edec9512c498eefe8c03886, swap: 9d12e72281a0486742c6b0fdc4849b3f79f20b64c1d3c457fe6986c16399506c, archive: 7ca80cb2fee2bae8e66306b1d7fe431e0a35d1f76c384be2f44c2cca33c72a03, index: 7261abc56ab78d83c539ab13ccfabcfd92373e06f473e3a81491b20be0150544, }

SNS New Version:

Version { root: fe1967146841a247b2f793ae61e5ef3c6b45ecfbe162ecaa8af246bf5e07333f, governance: f6d49d83bcc194d6b6635d0262956c388f672e81eafb011cd0e45415a715f171, ledger: 8fbb21200280d641332dac46db323ceae198c9ca6edec9512c498eefe8c03886, swap: 9d12e72281a0486742c6b0fdc4849b3f79f20b64c1d3c457fe6986c16399506c, archive: 7ca80cb2fee2bae8e66306b1d7fe431e0a35d1f76c384be2f44c2cca33c72a03, index: 7261abc56ab78d83c539ab13ccfabcfd92373e06f473e3a81491b20be0150544, }

Canisters to be upgraded: zqfso-syaaa-aaaaq-aaafq-cai

Upgrade Version: f6d49d83bcc194d6b6635d0262956c388f672e81eafb011cd0e45415a715f171
