ICP Dashboard

Add a new custom SNS function in WorldHub


Adding custom function delete_cache to WorldHub canister of World Protocol.

This delete_cache function will be executed via SNS proposal to clean the current user ids cached in the World Hub and re-add any necessary users in the World Protocol.


Proposal to add new NervousSystemFunction:


NervousSystemFunction { id: 1300, name: "Delete cache in the WorldHub canister", description: Some( "Execute delete_cache function in WorldHub canister", ), function_type: Some( GenericNervousSystemFunction( GenericNervousSystemFunction { target_canister_id: Some( j362g-ziaaa-aaaap-abf6a-cai, ), target_method_name: Some( "delete_cache", ), validator_canister_id: Some( j362g-ziaaa-aaaap-abf6a-cai, ), validator_method_name: Some( "validate_delete_cache", ), }, ), ), }
