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Add a new custom SNS function for asset canister upgrades


Adding custom function commit_proposed_batch to Game Launcher asset canister. This commit_proposed_batch function will be executed via proposal to commit changes to the Game Launcher asset canister.

    For more information regarding SNS Asset canisters upgrade, check here : https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/integrations/sns/managing/sns-asset-canister

Proposal to add new NervousSystemFunction:


NervousSystemFunction { id: 1010, name: "Game Launcher asset canister function commit_proposed_batch", description: Some( "Call commit_proposed_batch function to commit changes to upgrade Game Launcher asset canister", ), function_type: Some( GenericNervousSystemFunction( GenericNervousSystemFunction { target_canister_id: Some( awcae-maaaa-aaaam-abmyq-cai, ), target_method_name: Some( "commit_proposed_batch", ), validator_canister_id: Some( awcae-maaaa-aaaam-abmyq-cai, ), validator_method_name: Some( "validate_commit_proposed_batch", ), }, ), ), }
