ICP Dashboard

Register send_icrc1_tokens generic function for Sneed DeFi dApp canister.


This proposal registers the generic function send_icrc1_tokens and its verification function validate_send_icrc1_tokens on the Sneed DeFi canister.


Proposal to add new NervousSystemFunction:


NervousSystemFunction { id: 2002, name: "send_icrc1_tokens", description: Some( "Send the specified amount of icrc1 tokens from the DeFi canister to the specified principal and subaccount. Burn tokens by sending them to the icrc1 token ledger's burn address and specify a null expected fee.", ), function_type: Some( GenericNervousSystemFunction( GenericNervousSystemFunction { target_canister_id: Some( ok64y-uiaaa-aaaag-qdcbq-cai, ), target_method_name: Some( "send_icrc1_tokens", ), validator_canister_id: Some( ok64y-uiaaa-aaaag-qdcbq-cai, ), validator_method_name: Some( "validate_send_icrc1_tokens", ), }, ), ), }
