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Assist Accumulatingicp With her Motoko token swap dapp for her upcoming sns


Accumulating icps project MOTOKO is attempting to produce an sns sale. They already have launched and while the lp is privately held, Accumulating Icp has assured as that custodians like Bobby o are going to make sure its safu. 

They want to be able to store the active icrc2 MOTOKO token in the sns and have asked for assistice in production of a swap dapp based on sneed swap. 

Sneed swap was months of work by dedicated members of the ic and mr. Sneed. While the Sneed Daos proposed mission is developer innovation, instead of simply giving accumulating Icp the code I feel the dao should vote. 

So heres the deal: should sneed dao give resources and code for the up coming accumulating Icp motoko token sns project. Approve is yes, deny is no 


Motion Proposal:

Motion Text:

Approve or deny sneed dao resources to help accumulating with her project
