ICP Dashboard

Host a Mr Sneed's ONCHAIN WEB3 Meme Competition


This Motion Proposal has been submitted to the Sneed Founding Team by a community member:

Meme competitions are a dime a dozen these days, but have you ever heard of a meme competition hosted onchain? On true web 3?

Criteria: Host meme virality related to Mr Sneed onchain, on a website hosted on ICP. Why: Following the movement towards everything being hosted on-chain, this is a major leap forward! Where: Sneed twitter account would launch the competition to get the word out. Payout: Sneed tokens AND Sneed Diamond Club NFTs for chosen winners.

Mr. Sneed's Diamond Club is the gate to further buisness endeavors as we build Web3 Defi.

So showcase your IC skills, ICpeople, and lets see what we can dream up!


Motion Proposal:

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