ICP Dashboard

Motion Proposal to use Treasury Funds to Fund a CoinMarketCap Priority Listing


A CoinMarketCap (CMC) application has been submitted by a Sneed DAO community member.

CMC responded (excerpts):

"(...) Although we list 2M+ cryptoassets for FREE automatically via our dexscan on-chain infrastructure, we still receive thousands of requests for listings and page updates, resulting in a sizable backlog.

If you would like us to process this request quickly, please confirm the following and complete the table below before we issue an invoice per our price schedule.(...) Name on Invoice: Sneed DAO (...) Price [USD 5000] C1- Coin update/listing (USD5K for items 1-12 with ~24 hr ETA after payment is confirmed) (...) Meanwhile, we will continue to closely monitor market trends and prioritize listings/requests that have strong industry interest/traction for free to ensure that our data is as (verifiably) accurate and comprehensive as possible.(...) (payment in either)

  • BTC
  • ETH: ERC20 (EVM)
  • USDC: ERC20 (EVM)
  • USDT: ERC20 (EVM) (...)"

If this motion proposal is accepted, a follow-up 'Transfer SNS treasury funds' will be submitted to transfer 5k in ICP to a wallet controlled by the Sneed Founding Team as custodians. 100% of the funds will be used to pay the CMC Priority Listing.


Motion Proposal:

Motion Text:
