ICP Dashboard

Reject Funding & Sponsorship of ICPCC'24


SNEED DAO was recently approached to sponsor the 2024 ICP Community Conference. This is a prophylactic proposal to reject funding and sponsorship of the conference.

While many members of the SNEED DAO may wish to participate in the conference, it is not a wise investment decision for SNEED DAO to use its treasury funding for this type of activity. Theoretically, there could be another 10 ICP conferences this year, and if SNEED DAO was to fund each of them, our DAO could be obsolete in a matter of 10 conferences.

One aim of SNEED DAO, among many aims, is to grow its treasury through wise investments and reward its members. Sponsoring this community conference does not directly advance our cause, but instead advances the cause of the conference, hosts of the conference, and participants of the conference itself.

To turn the tables, we could ask ourselves, why hasn't the 2024 ICP Community Conference requested to pay SNEED DAO for our attendance and participation? If the conference organizers paid SNEED DAO to get involved, this would be a great opportunity for SNEED DAO to build up its treasury. However, this is not the case and no proposal to pay SNEED DAO was made.

In conclusion, SNEED DAO rejects sponsorship of ICPCC'24 and will not use it's treasury funds for this type of activity. Nevertheless, we hope the conference is a great success!

Respectfully, SNEED DAO


Motion Proposal:

Motion Text:
