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Reject Motion #25


There are proper ways to make charitable donations that we care about. If you would like to donate to the Phillippine Red Cross, you can do that here: https://redcross.org.ph

The SNEED DAO does not need to trust Palangga or any team member of the GHOST project.

Furthermore, Palangga cannot be trusted with money. Palangga frequently promoted rug-pull meme coins in 2023. Palangga has also requested donations on multiple occasions and has received funding from the community. It's unclear as to why we continue to support anything Palangga is involved with.

Lastly, Motion #25 was lacking detail as to what our funding would be used for, how it would be used, who it would be used for, if there would be any administrative cost that would be kept by team members, etc.

I believe it is in the best interest of the SNEED DAO to reject Motion #25 as this sets a dangerous precedent.


Motion Proposal:

Motion Text:
