ICP Dashboard

Motion Proposal to Airdrop an NFT collection titled 'Sneed Diamond Club' to Sneed SNS DAO Members


If this motion proposal is accepted, an NFT collection titled 'Sneed Diamond Club' will be developed and airdropped free of charge to Sneed SNS DAO token holders.


The 'Sneed Diamond Club' collection is designed to be a digital collector's item with purposes such as being an entry pass to an NFT-gated chat in the Sneed Community Groups on, e.g., OpenChat and Discord/Catalyze.


The collection will consist of 1000 NFTs. The items will be distributed to Sneed DAO members with at least 0.5 SNEED staked that are eligible to vote (minimum of 30 d dissolve delay). If less than 1000 Sneed DAO members fulfill this criteria, NFTs will be distributed prioritizing higher voting power. 50 NFTs will be reserved for the artist and developing team for future incentives.

This proposal was made with Blast https://jglt5-daaaa-aaaai-qnpma-cai.ic0.app


Motion Proposal:

Motion Text:
